All metals other than precious metals rust when exposed to an electrolyte (i.e. atmosphericmoisture) and oxygen. Rusting is caused by the chemical reaction of the metal surface and theoxygen present in the air and form the respective metal oxide on the surface. In steel, thecorrosion products formed are quite visible and are loose. You must have seen the red color ofiron oxide on unprotected steel products. This red rust is scaly and loose and easily falls away thusexposing more portion of the metal to rust. Metals like stainless steel also rusts however, thenickel and chromium oxides formed are a more uniform and tenacious oxide layer that save themetal by sealing the surface from further rusting.When a metal is kept indoors, moisture above about 65% relative humidity is required to rust iron. However, the contamination of salt, dust or other pollutants may cause rusting at lower humiditylevel. At higher humidity level contamination of pollutants will accelerate further rusting ofunderlying metal. The presence of salt or oil on the surface of metals creates the kind of rustingenvironment that causes metals to reacts. Exposure of metals to cooking materials enhances the rusting rate.

The original look and shine of the metal is lost.
Effects of rusting on Metal
Metals have the tendency to return to their natural state and this is the primary cause of therusting. One a metal has rusted, it loses its strength. To prevent from a metal from rusting variousmethods are implemented such as painting, bluing, galvanization, and other forms of protection.Rust causes millions of dollars of damage every year and billions of dollars are spent to repair thedamage, or to inhibit it thus adding extra expenditures for the maintenance of the metal.Rusting can be easily prevented. All the metals are not prone to rust. Using preventive measureslike painting, bluing and galvanization can prevent metals from rusting.
Explain briefly about the effects of metal rust and its prevention!
BalasHapusMetals have the tendency to return to their natural state and this is the primary cause of the rusting. One a metal has rusted, it loses its strength.
HapusThe prevention for metal rust are:
1. Controlling the atmosphere to keep it from moisture and plenty of oxygen, for example by making the air environment free of oxygen by passing CO2 gas.
2. Cathodic Protection
Cathodic protection is made by connecting a metal to be protected by another metal having a very low electrode potential (usually Mg).
Is there any relation between acid rain and corrosion?
BalasHapusYes, because acid rain is one of the causes of corrosion in metal.
HapusHow to prevent metal from rusting?
BalasHapusWe can do:
Hapusa. Paint it
The paint layer prevents direct iron contact with oxygen and water. Only if the paint is scratched or peeling, then corrosion begins to occur and can spread under the paint that is still intact. Examples that use this technique are on boats, bridges and cars.
b. Gives oil, oil or fat
The oil and grease layers prevent direct contact of iron with oxygen and water and should be applied periodically. Examples that use this technique are on the moving parts of the machine, like a car engine.
c. Gives a plastic coating
The plastic layer prevents direct iron contact with oxygen and water. Only if the plastic is peeling off, corrosion begins to occur. Examples that use this technique are on kitchen items, such as dryer racks.
d. Galvanizing
Galvanization is coating metal with zinc (for example, zinc roof). Zinc (Zn) coating can prevent direct metal contact with oxygen and water.
hi indri, If that's corrosion, what's inhibiting corrosion?
BalasHapusA corrosion inhibitor is a chemical compound that, when added to a liquid or gas, decreases the corrosion rate of a material, typically a metal or an alloy. The effectiveness of a corrosion inhibitor depends on fluid composition, quantity of water, and flow regime. A common mechanism for inhibiting corrosion involves formation of a coating, often a passivation layer, which prevents access of the corrosive substance to the metal.
HapusAll metals other than precious metals rust when exposed to electrolytes. Why did it happen?
BalasHapusDissimilar metals and alloys have different electrode potentials, and when two or more come into contact in an electrolyte, one metal acts as anode and the other as cathode. If the electrolyte contains only metal ions that are not easily reduced (such as Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, or Zn2+), the cathode reaction is reduction of dissolved H+ to H2 or O2 to OH−.[1][2][3][4] The electropotential difference between the reactions at the two electrodes is the driving force for an accelerated attack on the anode metal, which dissolves into the electrolyte. This leads to the metal at the anode corroding more quickly than it otherwise would and corrosion at the cathode being inhibited.
HapusWhy exposure to metals in cooking materials increases the level of rust?
BalasHapusBecause it just only covered by oil or solid fat
HapusHow to overcome corrosion?
BalasHapusCARLYSTEEL and CARLYCOAT have been developed in order to face this damaging phenomenon and to avoid you important and expensive interventions.
Hapusis there any advantage we can get from rusting?
BalasHapusNormally oxides are more brittle and weaker than their crystalline metal counterparts. Some oxides are beneficial such as Aluminum oxide which provides a thin durable shell that prevents further rusting of the aluminum by means of an impermeable membrane. However, rust is permeable by both water and air meaning that water and air can pass through rust to reach the normal iron underneath.
HapusOn top of that, rust is less dense than the original iron so it can force apart adjacent components just like ice puts cracks in sidewalks and potholes in the road.
This means that rust (iron oxide) has no positive traits for the physical characteristics of the structure.
Is the metal rust dangerous?
HapusSome people are under the misconception that rust is nothing but a different color on the surface of a metal object. This is not true. Not only does rust destroy clothes but it is actually a process that eats away at metal weakening it. For many things, this is not a problem because the metal object is not expected to hold any weight. For load-bearing items, on the other hand, this can be extremely dangerous.
When the metal is eaten away by oxidation, it is weakened and unable to support as much weight. For items like bolts that hold chairs or decks together, this can be extremely dangerous as it can allow the item to collapse, injuring anyone on the deck or in the chair.
Another huge problem with rust is that it is known to encourage the growth of a specific type of bacteria that causes tetanus. Tetanus, in untreated cases, can result in death and is not pleasant in any situation. The bacteria move from the rust to the bloodstream when the nail or chair or rusty object breaks the skin.