Compare has a definition is to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences. Compare means describing similarities between the subjects. When we are comparing something,we might describe what they have in common. Key words commonly used to express compare include: like ,the same as,similar,in the same way,as,as well as,etc.
Contrast has a definition is to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc. Contrast means descibing different between the subjects. Contrast tell what is the real comparison of an object or explain ways in wich they are different. Key word commonly used to express contrast include: althought, however, unlike, but, while, contrary to,etc.
Double Bubble Map
Double bubble map is a great way to organize your thoughts when you are comparing and contrasting two things. In the middle you put how the two object are alike. On the sides you put how the object are different.
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Compare Compare has a definition is to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences. ...
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hi indri
BalasHapuscan you give me example sentence with conjunctions from your double bubble map ?
Yes, the example is "The symbol of Hydrogen is H while the symbol of Helium is He"
HapusMention the physical differences between hydrogen and helium?
BalasHapusHelium gas is non flammable while flammable hydrogen gas
HapusExplain another example of compare and contrast?
BalasHapusThe example of compare is "The group of lithium is IA,it's compare with potasium"
HapusThe example of contrast is "the atom number of lithyum is 3,in contrast the atom number of potasium is 19"
What steps do you take to create a double bubble map?
BalasHapusFirst, find 2 elements that you want to compare and contrast
HapusSecond, you find the compare between them
Thirth, find the contrast between them
Forth,make a double bubble map with in the middle is the compare between 2 elements. And the besides, you put a contrast between 2 elements.
Why helium and hudrogen are nontoxic?
BalasHapusHydrogen gas is non-toxic.
HapusHowever, it can displace oxygen (and if hot enough burn in it) and thus can be an asphynxant in large quantities.
Its same with helium, because helium is the gas too.
What is the uniqueness of helium gas that distinguishes from hydrogen gas?
BalasHapusHelium has the boiling point is lowest among all the elements.
Hapusgive me examples compare and contrast of Copper and silver
BalasHapusCompare: silver and copper is the mettallic
HapusContrase: the symbol of copper is Cu in the contrase the symbol of silver is Ag
Hi indrii. could you give me some physical properties and chemical properties of hydrogen and helium?
BalasHapusFor Helium: The chemical properties are Helium is a colourless, odourless, insipid and non-toxic gas. It’s less soluble in water than any other gas. It’s the less reactive element and doesn’t essentially form chemical compounds. The density and viscosity of helium vapour are very low. The termic conductivity and the caloric content are exceptionally high. Helium can be liquefied, but its condensation temperature is the lowest among all the known substances.
HapusThe pysical properties are Atomic number:2;Atomic mass:4.00260 g.mol -1;Density:0.178*10 -3 -3 at 20 °C;Melting point:- 272.2 (26 atm) °C
For hydrogen : The chemical properties are Chemical Formula : H : Hydrogen gas (H2);Oxidation : It burns in air or oxygen to produce water : H2 reacts with every oxidizing element;Reactivity with gases : Combining hydrogen and nitrogen at high pressure and temperature produces ammonia (NH3) : Combined with carbon monoxide produces methanol (CH3OH)
The pysical properties are At room temperature hydrogen is a gas.
It is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas.
It is the lightest gas;It is insoluble in water; It is highly inflammable and burns with blue flame water.
Are there physical properties that distinguish between hydrogen and helium?
BalasHapusfor helium has Boiling Point (°F) -452.1
Hapusfor hydrogen has Boiling point :- 252.8 °C
this is a different helium and hydrogen.