Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

Video: Indri's final assignment (the colligative nature of the solution

The colligative nature of the solution
          Is the nature of the solution which does not depend on the type of solute but depends only on the concentration of the solute particle. The colligative nature of solution consists of two types, there are colligative nature of the electrolyte solution and the colligative nature of the nonelectrolyte solution. Although the colligative nature involves the solution,the colligative nature does not depend on the interaction between solvent molecules and solutes, but is dependent on the amount of solute being dissolved in the solution. Colligative properties consist of vapor pressure depression,boiling point elevation,freezing point depression.
Molality and mole fraction:­­
          In solution,there are several properties of substances determined solely by the number of solute particle. Since the colligative nature of the solution is determined by the number of solute particles,it is necessary to know about the concertration of solution. Molality is the number of the mole solute in 1 kg of solvent.The formula of molality is:

m = molality of the solution
n = mole of the solution
kg = mass of the solvent
mole fraction

        The mole fraction is the unit of concentration which all componentsof the solution are expressed by moles. The mole fraction is the number of moles equal for mole of all component in the solution. The number of mole fraction of all component is 1.The formula for mole fraction of solvent is:

x­­b­­ = mole fraction of solute
xa = mole fraction of solvent
Na = mole of the solvent
Nb = mole of the solute
Vapor pressure depression
          The saturated vapor pressure of the solution is equal to the solvent mole fraction multiplied by the vapor pressure of the purified solvent saturated. The formula of vapor pressure depression in the non electrolyte solution is:

P = saturated vapor pressure of solution
P0 = saturated vapor pressure of solvent
        Xp = mole fraction of solvent
        Xzt = mole fraction of solute
Boiling point elevation
          Is a fixed temperature at the time of biling liquid. At this temperature, the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the ambient air pressure. This causes evaporation throughout the liquid is measured at atmospheric pressure. The boiling point of the solution is always higher than the boiling point of the pure solvent. This is due to the presence of solute particle in a solution inhibiting the evaporation of the solvent particles. Therefore,the evaporation of the solvent particles requires greater energy. The difference in the boiling point of the solution with a pure solvent boiling point is called an increase in the boiling point.
The formula for boiling point elevation of nonelectrolyte and electrolyte  solution is:

Tb = boiling point elevation
Kb = the constant increase in molal boiling point
        m = molality of the solution
        i = ionizes of the solution
freezing point depression
          the presence of solutes in the solution will cause the freezing point of the solution to be smaller than the freezing point of the solvent.
The formula for freezing point depression of nonelectrolyte and electrolyte solution is :

Tf = freezing point depression
m = molality of the solution
         i = ionizes of the solution
        Kf = the constant increase in molal freezing point

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Senin, 22 Mei 2017


School: SMAN PLUS Provinsi Riau
Subject: Chemistry
Class / semester: XII / I
Basic Material: Colligative Properties of Solution
Sub Material: Boiling Point Increase
Meeting to:
Time Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes
A. Core Competencies:
KI 1: Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces.
KI 2: Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(Gotong royong, cooperation, tolerant, peaceful), polite, responsive and proactive
Show attitude as part of the solution to various problems in
Interact effectively with the social and natural environment as well as within
Placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world.
KI 3: Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge
Based on his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture,
And humanities with insights into humanity, nationality, statehood, and
Civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, and applying knowledge
Procedural in a specific field of study according to his or her talents and interests
solve the problem.
KI 4: Processing, reasoning, and gesturing in the realm of concrete and related abstract spheres
With the development of what he learned in school independently, acting
Effectively and creatively, and able to use the method according to the rules
B. Basic Competencies:
1. KD on KI-1
1.1 Thankful for Indonesia's natural wealth in the form of petroleum, coal and
Natural gas and various other minerals as a gift of God YME
Which is used for the prosperity of the people of Indonesia.
2. KD on KI-2
2.1 Showing scientific behavior (having curiosity, discipline, honesty,
Objective, open, able to distinguish facts and opinions, tenacious, thorough,
Responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) within
Designing and conducting experiments as well as discussions that are realized
In everyday attitude.
3.KD on KI-3
3.1 Explain the decrease in vapor pressure, boiling point rise, decrease in freezing point and
Osmotic pressure including the colligative nature of the solution
4.KD on KI-4
4.1 Conducting an experiment to determine the decrease in vapor pressure, boiling point rise,
Decrease of freezing point and osmotic pressure of solution.
C. Indicators:
A. Cognitive
1. Observe the increase in the boiling point of the solution due to the addition of solute through
2. Calculate the boiling point increase based on experimental data.
3. Summing up the results of activities
B. Psychomotor
1. Preparing materials to be used.
2. Measure the volume of the solution thoroughly.
3. Skilled to use the tool in accordance with its function.
4. Use practicum equipment with care.
C. Affective (character)
1. Bringing Opinions / Ideas.
2. Answering Questions.
3. Asking Questions.
D. learning objectives
a. Cognitive Objectives
1. Students are able to explain the effect of solution concentration on increase of boiling point solution corectly through experiment and discussion
2. Student are able to calculate the boiling correctly based on the data experiment through teacher explanation and assignment.
3. Students can conclude experimental results
b. Psychomotor Goals
1. Students can prepare materials to be used
2. Students can experiment according to the details of the detemined performance tasks.
3. Students can measure the volume of the solution and read the thermometer scale throughly.
4. The skilled of student use the tool in accordance with its function.
c. Affective Destination (character)
1. Student are able to express opinions/ideas
2. Students are able to answer questions
3. Students are able to ask questions
E. Teaching Materials
Increase Boiling point of the solution and its calculations.
F. Learning Approach and Model
1. Approach: Contextual
2. Model: Guided inquiry learning
G. Steps of learning activities
a. Introduction (15 minutes)
Phase 1 : Presenting Activities
1. Teacher enters the class and greets the students with “Assalamualaikum Students!”
2. Teacher creates a religious classroom atmosphere by appointing in the class leader to lead the prayer
3. Teacher checks student attendance(teacher still discipline attitude),cleanliness and class neatness as a form of environmental awareness
4. After preparing the lesson,the teacher conveys a preception to the students with the aim of guilding the students memory on the materials to be given at this meeting by asking “what is solution and solute?”
5. Students are asked to answer the question and the teacher completes the student’s answer
6. Teacher motivate students to attract students attention with describe the process of cooking water in daily life then ask, “when is the water boiling?”
7. Students are asked to answer and then completed by the teacher
8. Teacher divide students into group with heterogeneous members
b. Core Activity (60 minutes)
1. Teacher distributes LKS to each group and presents the problem: “at what temperature in the following solution boiling and which in the first boiling?”
a. 10 mL of aquades
b. 10 mL of 0,5 M NaCl solution
c. 10 mL of 1 M NaCl solution
Phase 2 Creating Hypotheses
2. Teacher provide opportunities for students to discuss each other to make hypothesis and write it to LKS.
Phase 3 Designing Experiments
3. Teacher give students the opportunity to develop experimental steps in the group discussion within a few minutes guide students to develop the correct procedure right on the board.
Phase 4 Experiment
4. Teacher guide students to experiment to test hypothesis that have been students were made with experiments of boiling point in some olutions that has been provided.
5. Student make observations and record carefully and then throughly the results of their experimental oservations on the LKS.
Phase 5 : Collecting and Analyzing Data
6. Students analyze experiment data, make a discussion of the results that they get by comparing the existing literature to prove thecorrectness of the hypothesis they make,and answer the questions in the LKS.
7. the teacher gives each group a chance by pointing to one members of his group todeliver the results of data processing collected at the front of the class and other groups give attention and respond for his friend’s presentation, then the teacher gives the reinforcement for the results of student’s discussion to make students can understand the concept of boiling point rise and calculation correctly.
8. The teacher gives students the opportunity to ask questions if the students not understood anymore about the lesson.
c. Closing (15 minutes)
Phase 6 : Make a conclusion
9. Teacher asks student to collect LKS
10. The teacher guides the students to conclude the materials of lesson that they habve learned
11. Teacher asks th question is “do you feel happy and understand the lesson today?”
12. Teacher closes the lesson by giving the tasks of a report to each group and written test in the form of homework (PR) n each student.
H. Tools and Resources Learning
· Book of Chemical High School class XII Erlangga curriculum 2013
· Tools and materials for experiment
I. Assessment
Rated Aspect:
a. Cognitive
Written : This assessment was obtained by assessing the LKS and written test done individually and written reports from the group.
b. Psikomotor
Do the experiment
c. Affective

In accordance with the effective assessment sheet based on the teaher’s observations in the classroom

Affective rating sheets
Student name
Aspects of assessed
Ask Question
Answer Question
Giving Opinions







Information :
Aspects of assessed
Ask Question
Students can ask question but deviate from the material being studied
Students can ask appropriate questions from the material being studied
Students can ask appropriate questions from the material they are studying clearly
Students can ask appropriate questions from the material they are studying clearly, precisely and logically
Answer Question
Students can answer question bur are wrong
Students can answer questions but are less precise
Students can answer questions clearly
Students can answer questions clearly,precisely and logically
Giving Opinions
Students can give opinions but deviate from the material being studied
Students can give their opinions according to the material being studied
Students can give their opinions according to the material they are studying clearly
Students can give their opinions according to the material they are studying clearly,precisely and logically

A = Very Good (80 -100)
B = Good (60 -79)
C = Enough (40 -59)
D = Less (> 39)

Video: Indri's final assignment (the colligative nature of the solution

The colligative nature of the solution           Is the nature of the solution which does not depend on the type of solute but depends on...